Buy Sedona Real Estate

Bell Rock REMAX Balloon

Rob & Pam Schabatka


(928) 282-4166 (o)

(928) 821-3508 (c)

For Sale / All Types

Facing Foreclosure?

If you are Facing Foreclosure, all hope is not lost! Find out more about ways to prevent foreclosure from becoming reality.

If Foreclosure isn’t looming today, but you want to get out of your Sedona property now. Click to find information on other options including Short Sales.

Are You Ready to Sell?

Rob & Pam Schabatka - Move From SedonaDo you believe now is the right time for you to sell your Sedona Property? If so, the next question typically revolves around, “Where do I start”? The good thing is you are in the right place! You typically need a Realtor® to help you maximize the value of your property. In today’s market, a little expertise can go along way to avoid typical pitfalls and other transaction hazards. Realtors® deal with Sedona Real Estate transactions everyday and can help simplify the process. The second most important part is the exposure your Sedona Listing will have. The more eyeballs that see your listing, the more opportunities you will have to match up with potential buyers. You can’t find a better partner than RE/MAX. After all…”No one Sells More Real Estate.”

Below is a list of characteristics and skills we feel are important in any Realtor® worth their weight:

  • Experienced
  • Knowledgeable
  • Attentive
  • Innovative
  • Skilled Negotiator
  • Humor

How Rob & Pam Stack Up?

  • Worked in Sedona Real Estate Industry since 1980’s

    ** Closed 327+ Transactions since 2000

    ** Helped Facilitate $128,000,000+ worth of Transactions since 2000
  • Worked together in the past as a Custom Home Builder, as Sedona Realtors®,
    now as Co-Owners of RE/MAX Sedona
  • Pam’s Detailed Orientated nature allows for constant follow up to determine if your property is competitively priced in today’s market
  • Rob & Pam have a renewed commitment to web based advertising. There are numerous studies that show buyers start their searches online. Rob & Pam have realized this importance and will make sure your property is professionally and tastefully marketed to the online world.
  • Rob & Pam try very hard to promote the strengths of the property they are selling. Their job is take the feedback from other agents and prospective buyers and to mitigate potential objections. This skill cannot be understated in a tough resell market.
  • Last but not least, real estate transactions are stressful to those unexperienced in them. Rob & Pam try their best to remind everyone of this fact and provide some humor in their interactions. They have had some previous clients enjoy their humor, so bare with us. They think everyday is open mic night at the improv!
  • If you’re lucky, you may even find a joke here and there. We can’t guarantee you will laugh, but at least Rob & Pam find themself funny… and we can agree that is a comical site regardless!

Click for more information about Rob & Pam Schabatka.

How Does RE/MAX Compare?

RE/MAX’s global reach is unparelleled in real estate transactions. With more agents and more offices worldwide, the exposure of RE/MAX listings is exponentially increased. This does not mean that your property will become just another listing on the pile. What it does mean is by choosing a RE/MAX Agent to represent you in your Sedona Real Estate Transaction you have been included in the most expansive real estate network available. That network will provide more exposure to your property. The more exposure, the better chance you have at completing your real esate sale.

Click for more information about the RE/MAX Advantage.

Once you sell your home, Will you need a new one?

We can help you replace your current home with a new Sedona Property.

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