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365 Reasons to Live in Sedona

#139 – Back to School with Old Town Mission
365 Reasons to Live in Sedona

July 14, 2013 3:12 pm Published by

Greetings from Sedona Property Partners – Broker/Owners of REMAX Sedona

We love the feeling of community that Sedona brings to its residents. Sedona is all about finding ways to help those in need. One big focus that Sedona has is helping children in need, from providing after school activities to feeding the hungry. The Old Town Mission has become a very popular organization throughout Sedona and the Verde Valley, helping the homeless and families hurting throughout our community.

Right now, the Old Town Mission is doing an event to help send children to school with all Picture3-300x243the supplies they need. You might think that sending your child to a public school is no big deal. All you need to do is drop them off, or put them on the bus, with some lunch money and a backpack full of school supplies. But many kids show up each year with no supplies. We understand that these are expensive and that many families can’t afford them, that’s why it is on our hearts to help The Old Town Mission give kids school supplies this year.

So, we urge you to join the fundraiser. The Old Town Mission is bringing together the community by putting together backpacks for children attending school this fall. On August 3rd, Old Town Mission, that is located in Cottonwood, will be giving out backpacks for kids of all ages that need a backpack for school. Not only that, but when you receive your bag, it will come fully loaded with everything the kids will need for school. Pens, pencils, scissors, markers, notebooks, and many more things will be stuffed inside of these bags for the children and youth to take with them.

The hardest part is to get enough generous people to donate bags for these kids in need. If you are able to donate some supplies, backpacks, or a few filled backpacks, please bring them to the Old Town Mission Monday through Friday from 9-4. Without the people in the Verde Valley contributing items for the children, this outreach would not be able to happen.

That is why we love living in Sedona. People are always feeling as though they are able enough to give to those that are not doing well. Helping others is one focus that the Verde Valley has never failed in doing.

If you are able to contribute to the Old Town Mission, or are in need of receiving a backpack for your child, contact the Old Town Mission’s website for more information. If you are interested in living in a community that is always watching out for each other, then contact us! Visit our website,, to find homes for sale in Sedona. You can email or call us at the RE/MAX Sedona Office with any questions you may have – 928.282.4166 x 253. We are here to help in your Sedona Property Search!

Sedona Property Partners – Your Source for Sedona Real Estate

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