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365 Reasons to Live in Sedona

#112 – “Believe in Ashley” A SRRHS Community Benefit for Student in Need
365 Reasons to Live in Sedona

March 24, 2012 5:51 pm Published by

Greetings from Rob & Pam Schabatka – Broker/Owners of REMAX Sedona

Have you seen the Believe in Ashley fliers in local businesses around Sedona? Believe in Ashley is a benefit that took place last night in support of Ashley Hook.

“Hook was surprised by the benefit and thanked everyone involved. Yet, she saw a good aspect outside of herself.
‘I’m really happy to see how much people are coming together. It proves how much a small town pitches in at a time like this,’ Hook said.”  ~Click for Full article

In times of need, the Sedona Community steps up to assist & support those in need. Sedona had to step up last night and support Ashley Hook, a senior at Sedona Red Rock High, and boy did they do a great job!

Ashley Hook was a cheerleader, on the Student Council and played an active part in her school & community until December of last year when she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of ovarian cancer. This beautiful 18 year old girl had to face the hard truth that she would be battling cancer instead of enjoying the remaining part of her senior year of high school. Ashley’s positive attitude & spirit inspires many. Click here for a video from CBS 5 news about Ashley’s mindset.

Believe in Ashley, a fundraiser event that took place last night at the Sedona Performing Arts Center in SRRHS, was nothing short of amazing. Believe in Ashley demonstrated just how much the Sedona community and our local High School gives in order to support a community/family member in need. The evening started with a limo (donated by a community member) arriving to Ashley’s house full of Cheerleaders who all got ready together and rode to the event sipping sparkling cider.

The event consisted of:

  • An abundant silent auction of items donated from local businesses such as a 7 night stay at any Diamond Resort in the country
  • Gourmet food provided by local restaurants
  • Encouraging speeches from Ashley’s principal, teachers, coach, & friends
  • An incredible concert/performance by various SRRHS musical groups and cheerleaders for the 600+ guests to enjoy.
  • Ashley even got up on stage to express her gratitude to everyone involved: Video on Facebook.

Rehearsal for Don’t Stop Believing

The inspirational night ended with all groups performing as one to the Journey’s song “Don’t Stop Believing” and then the girls were escorted back into the limo.

One community member stated that the Believe in Ashley event “Rocked the walls of the Sedona Performing Arts Center”, it was a night to remember for all.

From the donation of people’s time to the limo ride and everything in between, this event was truly a display of how our community is irreplaceable in good times and bad. If you would like to join our community we encourage you to research on our Sedona Real Estate Website or view a list of Sedona Homes for Sale.

You can contact us at 928-821-3508 or at our REMAX Sedona office at 928-282-4166 x 253. We look forward to hearing from you!

Rob & Pam Schabatka – Your Source for Sedona Real Estate

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