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365 Reasons to Live in Sedona

#120 – Sedona Dog Park
365 Reasons to Live in Sedona

June 11, 2013 10:48 am Published by

Greetings from Sedona Property Partners – Broker/Owners of REMAX Sedona

As Sedona welcomes new residents, our community also welcomes new dogs! One thing that Sedona dog owners love to do is bring their pet(s) to the local dog park. The City of Sedona received enough funding to open the local dog park a few years ago and ever since, the people of Sedona have enjoyed bringing their dogs to socialize and play!

The Sedona Dog Park opened in 2007 after receiving two large anonymous donations and hundreds of other donations from Sedona residents. The park location was determined by the city of Sedona and Rick Wesselhoff and John Lupo did a great job designing the Sedona Dog Park. The team of designers knew that shade was important during the summer months, due to the extreme heat that Sedona has. Skyline Steel made the best shade structures designed to perfectly fit the dog park. We feel the Dog Park is exactly what Sedona needed and is one of our favorite Reasons to Live in Sedona.

The Dog Park reflects the friendly atmosphere of Sedona. Like most places, there are rules set in order to maintain good behavior at the Dog Park. First off, the most important thing when working with animals is wanting to keep the animals friendly with each other. At the Sedona Dog Park, if there are any signs whatsoever of aggression with your dog, you are required to leave the premises. Like most places, when you enter the park, you enter at your own risk. Due to the fact that there is no way to determine if a dog is suddenly going to turn aggressive, bringing your dog around other dogs is a risk.

The hours of operation vary depending on the time of the year in which you attend the Sedona Dog Park. April 1st until October 1st, the park is open from 6am-8pm. Then, Winter hours come into affect – from October 1st to April 1st, the park is open from 7am-7pm.

We want to remind you to vaccinate your dog and make sure to have a Sedona City License on your dog’s collar before going to the park. As long as you clean up after your dog (or yourselves, LOL), you’ll be set to meet other dog-loving Sedona Residents that may become life-long friends. Another suggestion of ours is be sure not to bring non-neutered males or females that are in heat to the park, otherwise you might end up having to bring a whole crew of puppies along to the Sedona Dog Park!

Sedona residents love spending time with their dogs here, and we do to! For more information about the Sedona Dog Park, visit their website. If you (and your dog) would like to join our wonderful community, visit our website for Sedona Community Information and to search for Sedona Property for Sale. We are here to assist you during your search for Sedona homes! Contact us via email or via phone at 928-282-4166 x 253. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sedona Property Partners – Your Source for Sedona Real Estate

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